AI researchers think their bot “Rascals” can pass Turing test

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have built an AI smart enough to pass an avatar version of the Turing test — convince a human that it is human while conversing in a virtual environment like Second Life.
Their bot is called “Rascals”, which stands for Rensselaer Advanced Synthetic Architecture for Living Systems.

see here: Advanced Synthetic Characters/RASCALS Cognitive Architecture

kabalyero found us

see there: kabalyero´s blog
the features mentioned there are of course not all and the bot´s purpose is not only for camping: pikkubot commands
one of the most interesting features is the bot´s robot mode in which you can let the bot run a robot script:see sample
and use those commands in it: all robot commands

The number 57214 are “found” Avatars of course, not bots. LOL I´d be happy.

If you want to test it, then there is a free 5 day trial and the setup up is very simple.

But please contact me first inworld and tell me the master name that you are using for the trial . All other will be deactivated.

a new second life landbot project

Inspired by several postings in blogs and newsgroups, i started to develop a second life landbot with the project name herbee.

The objectives are to get more knowledge about second life technologies and not to create a competitive product to our product pikkubot.